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What Price Are You Willing to Pay for Love?

Holly Once upon a time, I believed I had to sacrifice to love to receive it. That meant I had to give pieces of my self-worth and intrinsic value to the person I loved and watched as they carelessly tossed those pieces of me away. It meant caring for their emotional needs before ever considering my…

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How do you define success?

Creative people. How do you define success? It’s so easy to use words to belittle and negate your art. It’s easy to allow commerce to define your success, but let’s not do that. This is what I know about creative people. We are driven by a force that compels us to intimately express what’s inside of us.…

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Personal Growth

Lisa Latimer is a woman on a mission to help people spot a narcissist and assist them on extricating themselves from being in relationship with one. Today on her Personal Growth podcast, we discuss strategies and healing techniques for those who have encountered the love bomb and manipulation of a narcissist and help you see…

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Kat Khatibi

   1.  What does an Intuitive Healer do?2.  How do labels confine us?3.  What are energetic boundaries?4.  How to say NO5.  How romantic relationships can either limit us or help us grow6. How to become more positive7. How to use meditationAnd so much more! Kat Khatibi wants to elevate your health. Kat is a Health…

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The Opulent Life

The Opulent Life Podcast with Stephanie Snyder, Ph. D. Stephanie is another powerhouse of a woman I'm so grateful to have met. She's sassy, energetic, smart, and I honestly can't wait to talk to her again. She said I inspired her to finish the book she's writing and she inspired me to read…

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You waited for 2021, it’s here…now what?

You waited and waited for the clock to strike 12 on December 31st, 2020 so you could be done with 2020. All those plans you put on hold and thought would happen now that that year was over would manifest.  It doesn’t work that way. You have the opportunity to create new opportunities each day,…

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