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Look How Far You’ve Come

Celebrate your wins. The small triumphs and grand celebrations. Healing is work. And you understand the payoff. Because you dared to admit what was going on in your life didn't make you happy, you decided to change, face your fears, answer the question What If? and receive energy healing and support.    With new insights, you…

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Trail Blazing

I’ve been struggling with my standards and expectations about productivity. What does a good work day look like? How should I feel? What does a good day of being a friend, wife, partner, healer, entrepreneur, mother, daughter, author, creative, reader, art lover, hungry person mean? The past weeks/months it’s meant letting go of how…

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The message I keep seeing EVERYWHERE is Trust the timing of your life. This is a difficult thing for me because I was brought up believing hard work pays off. Then as I began to adult, I realized connections and luck play a role in success, too. So I worked hard to do all the things.…

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