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Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing I think your inner child is keeping secrets for you. She kept you safe when there was emotional or physical danger. She did her best with her limited capacity. She helped you self-sooth and maybe she acted out because what else did she learn form her environment? I think she must…

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Real, Not Perfect Workshops

Real, Not Perfect Academy Give Me 11 Weeks, and I’ll Get You Your Life Back An Intuitive Energy Healing Program for women who feel exhausted and are looking for inner confidence. You’ve tried therapy, coaching, and connecting with your inner child and still can’t move forward. You’ve tried all the things and done all the work…

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The message I keep seeing EVERYWHERE is Trust the timing of your life. This is a difficult thing for me because I was brought up believing hard work pays off. Then as I began to adult, I realized connections and luck play a role in success, too. So I worked hard to do all the things.…

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Break Thru Kru Podcast

There are days when I get to meet and encounter people who are early on in their spiritual journey. This is always exciting for me. I see light and energy pulsate all around them and the inquisitiveness in their eyes. Brandi is one of those people. She is acutely aware of her emotions, her story,…

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Devine Realignment

The moment I met Julia, I liked her, I really liked her. Listen to us talk about healing, the ways we help people, and what it means to feel your feelings.  Stop you from reaching perfection. You'll thank me later. For now, listen to Julia and I discuss intuitive healing, letting go of perfection, Akashic records,…

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